Friday, July 21, 2006

"A holiday, a holiday!"

Can you tell me which song begins with those words, and who's the band who recorded it...?

OK, sorry for the frivolity.

I am going away with the community of CL for the annual vacation... please join me in reading this text about the meaning of holidays and free time... if you like! It's your freedom you need to use.

I notice that this blog has been visited at least 40 times since I installed a "hit-counter" - that's amazing! I hope it's not just some computer program randomly hitting it. If you drop by, leave a comment!!!

Well, I finally got some more work - one day's temporary assignment to a technical library in central London. It was enjoyable work, I think I've learned a lot of things since my last position, and I hope I'll get better than this too. I want to focus down on one thing, to go in only one direction, library & information studies, and put all my efforts into this; I want to be "pure in heart", as Kierkegaard defined it, "to will one thing". Perhaps Blogging can help, then, you see! Library studies is more and more about IT these days.

I just bought a little book by St. Josemaria Escriva, "The Forge" - I recommend it.

Happy and holy holidays to all!


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